Churches Leaders Network

Join together church leaders and ministers for the basic biblical training   

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Our government (of Uganda in Africa) is setting to implement a law to stop church leaders who are running churches without theological training qualifications according to the state minister who said that, the law to stop church leaders who are running churches without theological training qualifications is now in the advanced stage of formulation and the government Cabinet is expected to implement that law before this year ends.

I took a step to consult the government educational officer about what exactly our government (of Uganda) consider to be the basic Bible education, the kind of courses and level of academic education qualifications for the church leaders to earn a certificate and the government educational officer advised me to register first our Bible school because  if our Bible school is registered by the government of Uganda, our Bible school certificate will be recognized by the government as it will be from a register Bible school in Uganda.

About the academic education qualifications, he said our government doesn’t consider any level of education for the certificate level in theological training which is very interesting as we have church leaders who never gone to school and don’t even know how to write but only to read the Bible which is in our local language.

I consulted also about how long will the give government give us to before stopping church leaders who are running churches without theological training qualifications and the government educational officer told me that will happen before this year ends and he said that the government will permit church leaders who will be starting the theological training to continue operate as long as their theological training is going on and he advised us to register first our Bible school and start training our church leaders to avoid them to be stopped to operate.

The biggest development that I can share with you at this time concerning church leaders training challenge and the opening up of our Bible school. I have consulted the government minister’s office which is in charge of implementing the government law of stopping untrained church leaders, for when will they implement that law and he said that the law is now in the advanced stage of formulation and the government Cabinet is expected to implement that law before this year ends but he said that they will permit only church leaders who will be starting the theological training to continue operate as long as their theological training is going on and he advised us to register first our Bible school and start training our church leaders to avoid them to be stopped to operate.

For the significant progress we have made on the training, so far we have finished to set up the training venues in each region where can be easily for the church leaders to gather and learn as you may see some of the training venues

Our Vision:

 To work in Unity so that every joint supplies its share (Ephesians 4:16)

Our Mission:

To join together the isolated church leaders and ministers for the basic biblical training and to furtherance together the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20)

 Our Core Values:

We are based on Biblical scriptures.

We believe in inclusiveness.

We believe in teamwork.

We believe the Christian way of Life.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the sole Provider and the only way to Heaven.